Модель масштабування

Наша інноваційна модель ліцензування забезпечує глобальне охоплення та локальний імпакт. Ця структура дозволила нам охопити понад 25 країн з 2009 року.

Наш підхід

  • Локалізація

    Випробувана і перевірена модель ліцензування SIA дозволила нам охопити молодь у більш ніж 25 країнах світу програмою, глибоко вкоріненою в місцеві реалії. SIA співпрацює з місцевими організаціями, які проводять нашу програму у своїй країні, і надає їм наш перевірений дизайн програми та набір індивідуальних інструментів для її успішної реалізації.

  • Колаборація

    Наші ліцензіати називаються “хостами”. Наші хости для нас набагато більше, ніж контрактні ліцензійні партнери, а скоріше співавтори імпакту, які поділяють наші цінності та нашу місію.

  • Перевірка часом

    SIA використовує цю модель з 2012 року, оскільки вона дозволяє нам поєднувати як глобальний, так і локальний підхід. Встановлюючи чіткі та послідовні стандарти для всіх наших ліцензіатів, ми можемо підтримувати глобальну узгодженість і надавати нашим хостам централізовані послуги за низькими цінами.

Відповідальність організатора

  • Імплементація

    Наші хости організовують проведення програми у своїй країні. Вони адаптують програму до місцевих реалій, враховуючи та поважаючи міжнародні стандарти.

  • Розвиток партнерства

    Наші хости забезпечують фінансування, необхідне для запуску програми SIA, за допомогою команди партнерів SIA International. Вони також створюють потужну мережу стейкхолдерів (тобто університетів, експертів, менторів тощо), яка підтримує реалізацію програми.

  • Репрезентація

    Наші хости представляють SIA у своїй національній екосистемі та підтримують ідентичність бренду SIA.


Наша команда невтомно працює над покращенням якості нашої програми та поглибленням нашого імпакту.

Дізнайтесь більше про команду

Організації-хости SIA в різних країнах

  • Center for Youth Education

    NGO “Center for Youth Education” is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-political youth organization, founded in Podgorica in 2009, with the aim of supporting, affirming and encouraging young people to strengthen activism, volunteerism, mobility and non-formal education.

    As a socially responsible organization, we have been implementing projects for years related to strengthening the capacity of young people, their informal education, development of a culture of youth participation, providing mechanisms for their activism and development of youth work.

    We strive to contribute to the creation of better conditions for growing up, maturing, living and working of young people in our environment with our ideas and projects. As values that we provide, we can mention teamwork, tolerance, transparency, desire for networking and innovation in work, as well as readiness and openness to new experiences and knowledge.

  • Cosmo Foundation

    Cosmo Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to empowering refugees and marginalized youth in Uganda to forge their own opportunities through social entrepreneurship and personal development. Our goal is to cultivate self-reliance, resilience, and sustainable community development by granting access to education, training, and resources aimed at addressing social and environmental challenges within both refugee and host communities. We invite you to join us in making a positive social impact and changing lives within refugee communities.

  • Coworking Cvernovka

    A community coworking space for a diverse community of freelancers, small entrepreneurs, non-profits and social innovators. In addition to basic services. The coworking space also offers regular networking events for its members and a wide range of educational events, discussions, workshops, lectures and seminars, both offline and online.

  • Impact Hub Hyderabad

    Impact Hub Hyderabad is a dynamic community that provides a supportive ecosystem for entrepreneurs and innovators who are working to solve pressing social and environmental challenges. 

    Our diverse community brings together individuals, companies, and organizations who share a common vision of creating positive change in the local communities.

    We empower changemakers to turn their passion for social responsibility into profitable and sustainable business ventures. At Impact Hub Hyderabad, we believe that by balancing social impact with profitability, we can create a world that works for everyone.

  • Impact Hub Innovation

    Impact Hub Innovation has unlimited opportunities for everyone who wants to educate, entertain, inspire and develop. As part of a global network, their community and coworking spaces offer the perfect work environment and event venue for individuals, start-ups and small companies in the Czech republic. So far, since their launch in 2010, they have run 8 acceleration programs for smart ideas and – with a panel of consultants and experienced mentors in the back and proven models for years – they continue to enable entrepreneurs to grow across the market.

  • Impact Hub Istanbul

    Impact Hub Istanbul offers a membership based co-working space to empower impact driven, creative people. The community consists of people from a wide variety of disciplines like entrepreneurs, consultants, investors, software developers, designers, artists, creatives, and freelancers. Impact Hub Istanbul provides institutions and community members not only with an environment and events that get them inspired to increase their impact, but also with an authentic ecosystem where there’s strategic resources and collaboration opportunities. Impact Hub Istanbul is a part of Impact Hub global network, operating in more than 100 centers around the world with more than 16.000 members.

  • Impact Hub Monterrey

    Founded in 2013, Impact Hub Monterrey is a non-gubernamental and non-profit organization whose mission is supporting people from vulnerable communities, like women, people with disabilities, people from indigenous communities, and most recently youth, to develop their business through teaching and mentoring, with the objective they could start a venture that will bring incomes to support themselves and their families.

  • Impact Hub Tbilisi

    Impact Hub Tbilisi is a co-working space where one can meet, collaborate, produce, learn, network and create. It is a place, where individuals and organizations strive to create a better world. They are a team of thinkers and doers with different personalities and diverse professional backgrounds, including but not limited to business, commercial and development banking, media, government, non-profit and private sectors. Their vision is to foster trust, collaboration, transparency and knowledge sharing among diverse group of people.involving over 2700 youths in 25 cities; incubating 70 start-ups each year; accelerating over 20 social innovators yearly and gathering over 550 innovators in Future Summit every November.

  • Impact Hub Yerevan

    Impact Hub Armenia Social Innovation Development Foundation (a.k.a Impact Hub Yerevan) is a social innovation space and community with a mission to support social impact projects and enterprises which propel the positive development of Armenia. We have proven to be one of the most successful social enterprises in Armenia: 50+% of our annual income is generated from the business activities we run, such as offering a unique coworking space, consulting services and so on.

    Since opening its doors in 2016, Impact Hub Yerevan has designed and implemented 30+ programs, hosted over 500 social and educational events, and has hosted over 1000 members with different projects/organizations representing every sector in Armenia.

    We are passionate to make a positive impact, to help pave the way for a better and just future. We value diversity in perspectives, knowledge and experience because we understand that the best way to solve complex challenges is by creating multi-faceted and innovative solutions. We inspire, connect and enable entrepreneurs and individuals to take on Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Bulgaria

    ManEco Foundation

    “Ecological Manifesto – ManEco” Foundation was established in 2018 on the basis of the Ecological Manifesto, which is a global call for humanity to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable. The main mission of the organization is to raise awareness on topics related to climate change.

    With its main activities the Foundation has reached a number of beneficiaries through: public events (film screenings, eco photo exhibitions and trainings), youth exchanges, volunteering projects, research, educational workshops – the organization works to inform and educate society on topics related to the protection of nature and natural resources, their effective use, sustainable way of living, waste reduction, circular economy, just transition, inclusion of young people in civil society, active citizenship, participatory democracy and the fight against negative consequences from climate change.

  • Razlivalište

    Razlivalište was initiated by a group of students that were – and still are – determined to make the environment more fruitful for those who want tackle societal issues. Since its launch in 2014, the organization is an integral part of the community dealing with the field of social entrepreneurship and youth education, in Serbia and in the world. Through various programs, young people are encouraged to initiate as well as participate in social change by evoking their entrepreneurial skills.

  • SENTA Bukavu

    Social Entrepreneurship Academy (SENTA) supports local youth in the Democratic Republic of Congo to become social entrepreneurs. As many refugees have fled the Kivu region into Uganda, creating economic opportunities is a prerequisite to stability and peace. SENTA is part of the Social Innovation Academy (SINA), who tackles failing education and resulting unemployment in Africa by creating self-organized and freesponsible learning spaces where disadvantaged youth and refugees unleash their potential for positive change as social entrepreneurs.

  • SLOAM – Slovenian Youth Agency

    The Slovenian Youth Agency (SLOAM) represents the juncture between young people, non-governmental organizations, public institutions, and responsible companies. Through the development and implementation of programs and regular communication, we encourage young people into active citizenship, social and environmental responsibility and enable their personal growth.

  • School of ME

    School of Mindful Entrepreneurship (School of ME) is an NGO/startup that develops and implements social, school, and youth entrepreneurial projects to achieve change of values in the business ecosystem.

  • Social Impact Award Deutschland gGmbH

    Social Impact Award Germany (SIA) is the sister company of Social Impact Award and is focused on empowering youth to make a difference in Germany. We support their development into active agents of change that build social ventures and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing issues.

    We do so by hosting local events and organizing workshops on social entrepreneurship, running incubation programs to help validate and prototype impact and business models, and nurturing this global community of resilient social entrepreneurs whose stories raise awareness about the field and inspire local youth to take action.

  • Social Impact Award gGmbH

    Social Impact Award (SIA) empowers youth to make a difference in 15+ countries across Europe, Central Asia, and Africa. We support their development into active agents of change that build social ventures and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing issues.

    We do so by hosting local events and organizing workshops on social entrepreneurship, running incubation programs to help validate and prototype impact and business models, and nurturing this global community of resilient social entrepreneurs whose stories raise awareness about the field and inspire local youth to take action.

  • Social Innovation Academy

    The Social Innovation Academy (SINA) is tackling failing education and resulting unemployment in Africa through creating self-organized and freesponsible learning spaces, where disadvantaged youth and refugees unleash their potential for positive change as social entrepreneurs. Tailor-made empowerment stages and self-management processes support scholars to define their own path and put the power of education in their own hands. Enabled as changemakers, scholars often turn challenges into opportunities to make a sustainable living out of what they are passionate about.

  • The Social Incubator

    The Social Incubator Association is founded in April 2014, to increase the chances of social and professional integration of youth from vulnerable backgrounds through the development and implementation of tailor-made services and innovative entrepreneurship solutions. Most often they deal with the educational sphere, integration, and mentoring, but also artistic area.

Можливості міжнародної підтримки

  • Брендування та комунікації

    Ми надаємо хостам послідовні та привабливі елементи бренду, а також різноманітні пропозиції з комунікаційної підтримки, які варіюються від стратегічного керівництва до візуальних шаблонів та управління соціальними мережами.

  • Зустрічі спільноти

    Ми організовуємо різноманітні зустрічі спільноти протягом року, що дозволяє всім учасникам по-справжньому спілкуватися, вчитися один в одного та спільно творити майбутнє програми.

  • Вимірювання імпакту

    Щороку ми проводимо три типи опитувань, які дозволяють хостам отримати зворотній зв’язок від учасників і виокремити ключові дані про вплив для внутрішніх і зовнішніх комунікацій.

  • IT-Інфраструктура

    Ми надаємо хостам цілісну ІТ-архітектуру для запуску ефективної програми та відстеження ключових даних, включаючи спеціальний веб-сайт, платформи для інкубації, а також для подання та оцінки заявок тощо.

  • Підтримка партнерств

    Ми підтримуємо розвиток національних партнерств через низку різноманітних пропозицій, які включають загальні шаблони для фандрейзингу, інструкції щодо процедур фандрейзингу та інше.

  • Дизайн програми

    Ми надаємо організаторам повністю розроблену програму, перевірену та випробувану протягом більш ніж 10 років, яка включає шаблони, ІТ-рішення та тренінги для ваших фасилітаторів та менеджерів програми.

  • Турбота про хостів

    Ми пропонуємо кожному члену команди SIA миттєву спеціалізовану підтримку або через постійні повідомлення та дзвінки, або через нашу внутрішню платформу знань, SIA Playbook.

Наш імпакт

З 2009 року SIA вплинула на тисячі молодих агентів змін у більш ніж 25 країнах.

Дізнайтеся більше

Дані щодо імпакту

  • Глобальна спільнота
    30.000+ Соціальні інноватори, які побудували свій бізнес з SIA з моменту запуску інкубатора у 2015 році
  • Розбудова екосистеми
    1.000+ Організації, які співпрацюють з SIA по всьому світу з 2009 року
  • Міжнародна присутність
    18 Країни, які проводили минулорічний SIA